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Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Licensing Board
11 Mar 2014 - 10:00 to 15:20
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Councillor Gail Casey 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Councillor Jonathan McColl5 - Application for Provisional Premises LicenceCouncillor McColl declared a non-financial interest in the item of business entitled ‘Application for Provisional Premises Licence for a proposed hotel lodge and new pub restaurant on the land to the ease of Old Luss Road and west of Ben Lomond Way, Balloch’, being a member of the West Dunbartonshire Community Health and Care Partnership, given that an objection had been submitted in relation to the application by a sub-group of the West Dunbartonshire Alcohol and Drug PartnershipNon-PecuniaryAll four members intimated that they would remain in the meeting during consideration of the item of business and would take part in any decision reached by the Board.
Councillor Marie McNair5 - Application for Provisional Premises LicenceCouncillor McNair declared a non-financial interest in the item of business entitled ‘Application for Provisional Premises Licence for a proposed hotel lodge and new pub restaurant on the land to the ease of Old Luss Road and west of Ben Lomond Way, Balloch’, being a member of the West Dunbartonshire Community Health and Care Partnership, given that an objection had been submitted in relation to the application by a sub-group of the West Dunbartonshire Alcohol and Drug PartnershipNon-PecuniaryAll four members intimated that they would remain in the meeting during consideration of the item of business and would take part in any decision reached by the Board.
Councillor John Mooney5 - Application for Provisional Premises Licence Councillor Mooney declared a non-financial interest in the item of business entitled ‘Application for Provisional Premises Licence for a proposed hotel lodge and new pub restaurant on the land to the ease of Old Luss Road and west of Ben Lomond Way, Balloch’, being a member of the West Dunbartonshire Community Health and Care Partnership, given that an objection had been submitted in relation to the application by a sub-group of the West Dunbartonshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership. Non-PecuniaryAll four members intimated that they would remain in the meeting during consideration of the item of business and would take part in any decision reached by the Board.
Councillor Hazel Sorrell5 - Application for Provisional Premises LicenceCouncillor Sorrell declared a non-financial interest in the item of business entitled ‘Application for Provisional Premises Licence for a proposed hotel lodge and new pub restaurant on the land to the ease of Old Luss Road and west of Ben Lomond Way, Balloch’, being a member of the West Dunbartonshire Community Health and Care Partnership, given that an objection had been submitted in relation to the application by a sub-group of the West Dunbartonshire Alcohol and Drug PartnershipNon-PecuniaryAll four members intimated that they would remain in the meeting during consideration of the item of business and would take part in any decision reached by the Board.


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