Declarations of Interests
Bailie Denis Agnew | 4(b) | DC09-060 - Erection of three storey office development with Children's Nursery/Daycare Centre, adjacent to Cable Depot Road, Clydebank | Declared a non-financial interest and left the meeting during deliberation of the application. | |
Councillor Jim Brown | 4(b) | DC09-060 - Erection of three storey office development with Children's Nursery/Daycare Centre, adjacent to Cable Depot Road, Clydebank | Declared a non-financial interest and left the meeting during deliberation of the application. | |
Councillor Marie McNair | 4(b) | DC09-060 - Erection of three storey office development with Children's Nursery/Daycare Centre, adjacent to Cable Depot Road, Clydebank | Declared a non-financial interest and left the meeting during deliberation of the application. | |
There were no visitors present at this meeting